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Workplace Fatal Injuries Reported for 2017/8

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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) released it’s 2017/8 figures for fatal work-related injuries. Of the 144 in the provisional annual report, 15 were reported in the transport and storage sectors.

The highest rate of fatality on average over the past 5 years is agricultural workers. Whilst there was 29 in the last report posting,
the average rate is 18x as high as all-industry rate.

Waste and recycling is 16x as high as all-industry rate on average and accounted for 12 fatalities in the last year.
Construction is 4x as high as all industry rate average, however accounted for 38 fatal injuries in the 2017/8 reporting period.

Older workers
Whilst workers over the age of 60 only account for about 10% of the nations workforce, they accounted for around 40% of the reported fatalities.

Most common causes of fatal injuries accounting for over 58% of total fatalities came from these 3 reasons;

  1. 35 (24%) fatal injuries occurred by; workers falling from height.
  2. 26 (18%) fatal injuries occurred by; being struck by a moving vehicle.
  3. 23 (16%) fatal injuries occurred by; being struck by a moving object.

The good news is that overall the rate of fatal injury has shown a strong downward trend since initial reporting in 1981.

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