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Driver Management – Getting the basics right

Traffic Commissioners reiterate the importance of driver management

Recent update from the Office of the Traffic Commissioner

In their 2018-19 Annual Report, the Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain highlighted the importance of managing professional drivers. Driver management can be a challenging job, but that’s no excuse for non-compliance.

Operators must take the duty of making diligent checks seriously. This includes regularly examining a driver’s licence, ensuring that the driver has a valid in-date driver’s digicard and ensuring their drivers’ CPC qualifications are current.

You must not leave this responsibility to the drivers. These checks are particularly important at the start of a period of employment and are equally applicable to agency drivers.

Do the initial checks

One issue highlighted in the annual report is that some operators do not even undertake an initial driver’s licence check. They instead assume that previous experience means they have the right licence and training.

It is vital that the necessary checks are made upfront to ensure complaint operations, failing to do this is dangerous and neglectful.

When it comes to training, it is also your responsibility, as an operator, to ensure your drivers meet the required standards. The consequences of not doing so can be severe.

The driver file

Every driver on your books should have an individual “driver’s file” containing:

• proof of regular online driving licence, CPC and digicard checks
• training records
• working time directive reports and any opt-out
• tachograph infringement reports
• driver assessments
• disciplinary records
• any other certificates or licences, such as ADR or DBS

You can check a driver’s licence for points and penalties and check a driver has the correct training and licence to drive a bus, coach or lorry.

This guidance on using or employing drivers may also contain useful information for you.


How Flagship can help;

Flagship can support your business in a number of ways.  We can support your teams when being inducted.  We also have robust processes we can implement to ensure your business is compliant with you undertakings. Giving you back peace of mind and an easy blueprint for you to follow or for us to follow too.

Services we offer;

  • Driver induction
  • implement full Driver Management process
  • ongoing compliance support
  • Driver management blue print which you can self-manage
  • external Transport Manager service
  • compliance support tailored to restricted operator license too
  • Driver CPC Training
  • Driver CPC Training process management
  • Driver licence checking


If you would like more info please do get in touch. 01733 396169 or