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Driver; The Life Saver

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– Never learnt First Aid training?

– Could your First Aid skills do with a freshen up?

– Done First Aid but a AED (Defibrillator) and CPR scares you?

3 Reasons to get your Emergency First Aid as part of your Driver CPC.

  1. You don’t want to be a helpless witness to an emergency situation.
  2. You don’t want to worsen a potentially life-threatening situation.
  3. Accidents and emergencies are not completely avoidable or preventable.

First Aid is the initial assistance given to a victim of injury or illness. It comprises of simple procedures and techniques that can be carried out until Professional medical assistance arrives.

The Driver CPC syllabus includes First Aid. Our Driver First Aid at work is perfect for Drivers or anyone working within the business of Transport, Logistics or Workshop, as it focuses on the support you may need to give within your role. You will also receive a recognised First Aid qualification as well as 7 hours towards your Driver CPC qualification too.

Our promise to you, no mouth to mouth with your driver colleagues as part of your training! Our First Aid training is interactive, fun and engaging. Here is what a recent driver had to say about our course he attended.

‘In the past I have been very critical and disappointed of the whole DCPC process as I have felt that it has been a tick box exercise and I have wasted money and time. Flagship Trucks have now added a new dimension to the process and you will come away having had learned new skills that will benefit you in your working life but also your personal life……’
