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First Aiders Have Their Say on What is Important in First Aid

Health & Safety

First Aiders Have Their Say on What is Important in First Aid

By 13 August 2019No Comments

We recently asked a number of top First Aiders around the world for their opinions on First Aid and equipment that is vital in a First Aid box. Below are the answers we received:

Graeme Smith

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Nitrile gloves

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?


3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

None, don’t read about it, practise it

Kendall Salahub

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Red Cross Simple Wrap (our most-used item)

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

The ability to stay calm in an emergency – it’s hard to help others and not skip anything important when you’re panicking yourself.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

The Canadian Red Cross First Aid App

Peter Oldani

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Vetbond Surgical Glue

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

You need to still be able to use your head when things go wrong. First aid isn’t complicated, but it’s used in a wide range of circumstances. Memorizing everything will get you nowhere. The way to be good is take a few broad principles and adapt them to specific scenarios in the moment.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

How to Create a First Aid Kit for the Everyday and the Extreme

Jenni Dunman

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?


2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Calm – To keep a clear head when making decisions and keeping the patient reassured

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

UK Resuscitation Guidelines

Harry Pandia

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?


2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?


3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Any VAS first aid manuals i.e St John

Thomas Xavier

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Quickclot or other (similar) hemostatic dressing.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Cool under pressure.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

St. Johns Ambulance First Aid Guide is the default recommendation, at least in my mind.

Ralph Edwards

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Given todays threats from organized crime, terrorism, and random attacks, i would say a quality tourniquet with the knowledgeable and training to appropriately use it.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

The ability to remain calm during stressful situations. If you as the First Aider lose focus, your patient that you are helping suffers.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

If you are into camping and the outdoors, “Bushcraft First Aid” by Dave Canterbury. “Ditch Medicine” by Hugh Coffee is a good one as well for anyone to read and understand.

Ian “Primal” Talbert

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

SOFTT-W Tourniquet if it’s a trauma kit, for just a basic first aid kit I would go with an Israeli Bandage.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Ability to operate under heavy stress effectively and consistently.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Bushcraft First Aid – Dave Canterbury

Sean M. Fox, MD

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

EDUCATION! – knowing how to perform CPR! Knowing how to stay safe in new environments. Remaining vigilant in familiar environments! And… skin disenfectant to clean wounds with.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Courage – to be willing to help when the time is needed.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?


1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Pain Relievers – It’s probably the most often item used in a home or office first aid kit.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

The ability to learn. There are many first aid skills that can be learned by online research like CPR and how to stop bleeding using a make shift tourniquet.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

Wayne Bennett

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

trauma dressing- bleeding control

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Ability to remain calm in an emergency

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

National Safety Council First Aid guide

Kel Warner

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Clotting bandage

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

How to immediately assess circulatory and respiratory system. This will tell you what needs immediate attention.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Joe Alton MD

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

In survival, most deaths will be caused by the ill effects of contaminated water and food. You may not consider these to be medical items, but having a method to disinfect water, such as the Mini-Sawyer or the LifeStraw, will prevent many avoidable deaths in times of trouble.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Beside just the willingness to obtain education, training, and supplies, the ability to stay calm in a crisis and also keep the victim calm (well, as calm as possible) is a very important trait for the austere medic. The more anxious your victim, the faster their heartbeat and the faster blood will spurt out of an arterial wound.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Not a fair question, lol! I believe our book “The Survival Medicine Handbook: The Essential Guide to When Medical Help is Not on the Way” (3rd edition) is an excellent, plain-English way to learn about many different off-grid topics. The book is written as if the average citizen has suddenly become the highest medical asset left to their family, and endeavors to make them effective in that role. To be fair, other books like Wilderness Medicine by Auerbach and Medicine for the Outdoors by Forgey are excellent books, even if their goal is to get you to modern medical care.

Shane White

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?


2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Practice is the best trait you can have.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Sam Ashoo, MD

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Tourniquet (if included), otherwise safety leaflet

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Calmness, the rest can be learned or instructed by phone.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Red Cross Training

Damian Brindle

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

Something to deal with major bleeds, whether that’s a quality tourniquet or Israeli bandage, for example, strong bleeds are hard to stop without the proper tools. And, of course, you should know how to use them properly and safely!

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Ability to stay calm under pressure is a must.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

The Survival Medicine Handbook, 2nd ed. by Dr. Alton

Leon Pantenburg

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

There is no best answer. If someone is bleeding, a tourniquet might be the most important item. If a stroke is imminent, aspirin might be. If a person is allergic to bee stings, a way to treat Anaphylaxis shock might be critical.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

The ability to maintain your composure while in the midst of a medical emergency is critical. Studies show that during an emergency, 80 percent of the people will have no idea what to do; 10 percent will do the wrong thing, and only 10 percent will do the right thing. The productive 10 percent will rely on previous training.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy have excellent publications. Any of their books are excellent. Their one, must-have book is “The Survival Medicine Handbook.”

Bernie Carr

1/3 What is the most important item in the first aid kit?

I believe the most important item in the first aid kit is antihistamine medication. Allergies can be life-threatening and you must take an antihistamine as quickly as possible when a reaction occurs. I also believe you should include your personal prescription medicines in your first aid kit, so you never run out in an emergency.

2/3 If you had to choose one trait that would help to make a good First Aider, what would it be and why?

Training is an important trait in anyone who uses First Aid.

3/3 (Optional) What literature would you recommend for any budding first aiders?

Download a first aid app on your phone so you always have the information handy.

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