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World Mental Health Day – Saturday 10th October

World Mental Health Day was observed for the first time on 10 October 1992. It was originally an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health, organised by the then Deputy Secretary General Richard Hunter.

World Mental Health Day 2020 is the most important one yet. The months of lockdown and loss have had a huge impact on us all. With the pandemic possibly creating more restrictions, prioritising mental health has never been more important than it is now.

The economic consequences of the pandemic have already been felt, with companies letting staff go to save their businesses, or unfortunately, shut down completely.

It is expected that the need for mental health and psychosocial support will substantially increase in the coming months and years. Investment in mental health programmes is now more important than it has ever been.

At Flagship Partners, we run First Aid & Mental Health in the Workplace training because we are passionate about improving people’s awareness and therefore the support facilities for people in need.

Our training will equip people and their workplaces with a stronger understanding of mental health, including stress, anxiety and depression. Enabling happier, safer and more productive workplaces for everyone.

What are mental health problems?

Mental health problems range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions. Most people who experience mental health problems can learn to live with them, especially if they get help early on.

Anxiety and depression can be severe and long-lasting and have a big impact on people’s ability to get on with life. Although certain symptoms are common in specific mental health problems, no two people behave in the same way when they are unwell.

Many people who live with a mental health problem or are developing one try to keep their feelings hidden because they are afraid of other people’s reactions. And many people feel troubled without having a diagnosed, or diagnosable, mental health problem – although that doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling to cope with daily life.

According to a study completed at MIND where there were over 16,000 participants, showed that more than half of adults (60%) and over two thirds of young people (68%) said their mental health got worse during lockdown.

From lockdown, to furlough, to job losses, everyone has been put under a severe amount of pressure this year. Whatever you’ve been through, World Mental Health Day is a chance to make a positive change for the mental health of your workplace. But it can be hard to know where to start sometimes.

Working in a new normal

For a lot of people, the new normal will include working from home and spending more time with the kids as all of their after-school clubs are postponed. For many of us, going into the office provided a us with a routine and it ensured that we got to see people every day and make social connections.

It is important to ensure you have a healthy work life balance so that you can maintain your mental health.

Our series of Mental Health in the Workplace courses will give you, your team and managers the knowledge and skills to recognise mental health problems and offer valuable support to your employees.

Getting in the zone

Creating a morning routine, such as walking, working out or online yoga via Youtube will help you focus. This will also help your body to release endorphins which are the ‘happy hormones’ in your body.

Create a workspace in your home

Whether you’ve purchased a new desk for your spare bedroom, or you’ve set up a ‘Work’ and ‘Personal’ login for your laptop to help differentiate between the two, having a separate workspace from where you spend your free time will help you to switch off at the end of the day.

It’s also good practise to allow yourself a proper lunch break and try to eat your lunch in a different room. This will assist in breaking up your day.

In it for the long haul

If you believe you could now be permanently working from home, it is important to make sure you have ways to feel you’re doing something useful. If you’re not interacting with many people, it’s easy to think you’re not good enough, and feel a bit pointless. One small thing you can take a pride in, tick off or accomplish each day makes all the difference – whether its work related, or even just tidying up the kitchen.

From today, until 11pm on Saturday 10th October, you can get 25% off any of our mental health training courses, as long as you’ve taken the course by the end of the year.

Use code mentalhealth25:

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